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WeAudition is a website that offers actors helping actors to audition, rehearse, and record self-tapes. I am one of the readers in WeAudition, and help various actors. It's also a lot of fun. My WeAudition profile can be accessed here. Below are some feedback reviews from those I have worked with and helped. Their real WeAudition username is indicated.
Aliya Qureshi Langi

Barry Clifton

Caslin Rose

Seth Kannof

Nathan Murphy

Bethany Brandt

Darnelle Scott

כמעט גן עדן - Almost Heaven

Almost Heaven

A wonderful example of the more experimental side of the [Acco International Theater] festival is "Almost Heaven", a short and gripping play (30min) which involves the audience with Yaffa, a new resident of the retirement home, and who is celebrating her 80th birthday. The audience celebrates with her - with a cake and candles, but then the nurses leave, and Yaffa is left discovering that Almost Heaven is an institution from which you do not , and cannot leave. She's confronted with long time residents Bella, Gideon and Shlomo who live in a tiny and filthy bed together. This is a confrontational play with both young and older actors showing how society turns a cold shoulder to its elderly. The small theatre helps to show this painful dehumanization in a direct and disturbing way, reminding me of my own experiences in visiting such a place. The natural and effective acting of the actors makes this one of the more interesting experiences in the festival.

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