Successful Auditions
Although most of my projects are from direct referral, I also do plenty of auditions. Here are a few of those that got me the part. English unless otherwise noted as Hebrew
משמרת לילה
Night Shift
Mishmeret Laila (Night Shift) is a dark drama about secrets and how people take advantage of situations which can result in unexpected fall-out. My part is in English, but most of the film is in Hebrew.
Online virtual visits with Santa Claus. JingleRing started in 2020, with the talented creative team led by Walt Geer. See more about JingleRing here.
Coveted Delusions
A film by Elie Touboul and Aurelien Gribinski:
A young man is in the grip of hallucinations - a neighbor tries to help via a psychiatrist, but others prefer a spiritual cure. But all is not as it seems.
Exodus 91
This is a docu-drama about Operation Solomon, Israel's operation to repatriate the ancient community of Ethiopian Jews. Filmed in Hebrew, English, and Amharic. My part: Bob Houdek, American Diplomat, who was a key figure in the success of the operation.

An award-winning Israeli miniseries originally produced in Hebrew called "Tzail Shel Emet", about the case of Roman Zadarov, convicted of murdering Tair Rada. The conviction was based soley on his confession, which the police squeezed out of him using lies and subterfuge. Roman later recanted. I play the part of Avigdor Feldman, Roman's appeals attorney.
Tu-Too Breaks Free
A remote play written by April Cavil, about Carol's little chihuahua, who just can't take it any more. I play Abe, the hound dog, and Tu-Too's savior.

A cute commercial directed by the talented Ro'i Kafri. I play an Australian biker in the audition, but the final clip has me as a farmer. They also replaced the faces of us actors with the star of "Fauda" - Lior Raz. This is the first time I used a non-American accent in an English-speaking part, pulled it off, and got paid for it to boot. Fair Dinkum', mate.

Directed by Adi Huberman, I am a presenter/salesman for Netafim - the famous Israeli company that manufactures drip irrigation products. The actual filming took place in a hot house whose temperatures reached 45C. Yow.

Directed by Nir Majar, I am, of course, Santa Claus, who wants his own Christmas present - how to play the piano. With Simply Piano.
White Glo
A cute advertisement for White Glo toothpaste.Hebrew
Jerusalem 1967
Jerusalem 1967 takes place in Israel during the trying days of the Six-Day War. I play Hotel Concierge "Zeev" . Directed by Oded Raz, Artzot Productions. English
Israeli children's TV series based on children in an elementary school , and deals with both comedic and sensitive subject matter. And oh, there's aslo a telepathic dog (Hebrew).
שקשוקה ממשיכה להוביל שיח עכשווי המביא את עולמם של ילדי בית הספר היסודי למסך, בנושאים רגישים כמו סרטן ואבטלה לצד נושאים כמו סימני התבגרות ואהבה ראשונה, קנאה באח מוצלח, משברי זהות, והאם בנות מפליצות
המדובב 2
HaMedovev 2
Israeli drama series about Asa (Or Ben Melech), a mole in organized crime working for the Police. In this 2nd round, he portrays someone who can't talk. But we all think he's deaf. Hebrew
Popular Israeli drama/comedy. Season 2. Wolfson comes to check out a match for his daughter, and everything goes well.... until it doesn't. (Hebrew)
Dead End Hotel
A 3D-animated, interactive film about a Mossad operation that went sour. I play "Lion", the Mossad commander. (Hebrew)

A rap musical clip called "Adam Shem Tov Havvy" by Tamir Bar. There are several numbers in the series, I am in "The Little Citizen" wherein I play a judge. This audition is for the judge scene only (Hebrew). See the final clip here.

Directed by Aviv Maaravi, I play the production line manager of Tornado air conditioners, showing Rotem Sela (who plays an annoying busybody) how things work (Hebrew). הכל מושלם
הפנתר הכפול
The Double Panther
A movie that takes place in 1970's Israel, it's about the problems connected with a potential fifth column supporting Black September and the Panthers. I play the owner of a print house whose employee surreptitiously printed inciteful literature while I had my back turned. (Hebrew)
Oracle Of God
Directed by Erin Zimmerman, this movie takes place during the Second Temple period and is about a Christian prophecy predicting a chosen of God. My part is "Clement" - the scribe/seer who originally writes the prophecy.